Monday, May 12, 2014

Tips on Healthy Snacking

Who can resist snacking? In the office when you’re drowning in paper work and you just can’t function anymore or in school when you’re trying to cram that last-minute requirement, breathing in and out can only get you so far. Sometimes the only way to collect yourself is step out and grab a snack. Snacking can be sinful but when done right, it can be just the solution to your stressful problems.
Choose wisely.When you’re about to grab a snack, always choose wisely. Junk food maybe an attractive option but would you really consume that amount of sodium and calories for a few minutes and regret it all throughout the day?
Mix and match. Healthy snacks shouldn’t be boring. They just need a little creativity and to transport you to snack heaven. A good example is to mix your favorite fruits with yogurt. Making this easy for you is Creamy Delight Yogurt, which has a line of plain, flavored, light, and kids’ yogurt, that will make you come back for more.
Be consistent.You can easily fall off the wagon and start snacking unhealthily just like before. The key is to pick yourself up and develop a healthy snacking habit that will give you a better result in the long run. Your cheat day may come once a week or once a month, but your consistency in snacking healthy should still be the priority if you want to stay healthy and brimming with energy to get through your day.
And if choosing wisely, mixing and matching, and being consistent is difficult for you, look no further than at the varieties available with Creamy Delight. Each wonder-in-a-cup contains calcium with low-fat and low sodium for better absorption. It’s also high with vitamins A and D with Zinc so every spoonful is guaranteed to be your health warranty. So get a cup or a pack of six in your favorite groceries to snack alone or better yet, share with your friends and family. Get everyone on the healthy snacking bandwagon.

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