Sunday, June 12, 2016

Reliv Now For Kids - A Gift of Optimal Health

 Reliv Now for Kids delivers nutrients in a liquid shake for more complete absorption, and advanced ingredients work together to boost energy, growth and mental performance.

Studies show soy promotes healthy childhood development and decrease the risk of chronic diseases later in life. LunaRich takes it a step further, with five to ten times the bioactive lunasin of ordinary soy powders. Lunasin provides a second line of defense when the body's initial defenses fall short:

Nourishes. Delivers the nutritional fuel to promote optimal expression of genes required for normal cell function.

Protects. Reduces inflammation and cell damage caused by free radicals and other environmental hazards.

"We developed Reliv Now for Kids as a way for parents to fill nutritional gaps to ensure their children are getting the nutrients they need to thrive," explains Dr.Carl Hastings, Reliv's chief scientific officer. "With LunaRich, we've added breakthrough approach to overall wellness you can't get anywhere else. More than ever, Reliv Now for Kids stands as the premier children's nutritional supplement."
Health Testimonials
Arielle Ong was diagnosed with developmental delay. At age 6, she was still unable to stand unaided, hardly uttered words and was still drooling. But when her parents John and Earleen Ong started her on Reliv, they noticed fast improvements. Arielle wasn't just able to stand up on her own but was also running around, dancing, jumping like any other kid. Arielle attends regular school, reaped academic awards, took ballet lessons and is now accomplished college student. Thanks to Reliv, Arielle is able to enjoy a fun, healthy and happy life! ~ Arielle Ong, Quezon City

Milo and Micho's parents used to worry about them because they both suffered from weak immune system. They would easily get sick and miss a lot of school days. They couldn't join any sports activities or play for a long time with other kids because they get tired easily. Their parents spent a lot for their medicines every month. When their mom gave them Reliv Now for Kids, they were excited because they love chocolate and vanilla drinks. They always drink Reliv shakes to help them become healthier and stronger. Today, they don't get sick as much and they don't miss school anymore. They can also play with their classmates, go swimming and play table tennis. Their family's very happy now because they're enjoying a lot of activities. ~ Milo & Micoh Co, Manila

Meet five-year old Sofia! Sofia's proud parents say that she seldom gets sick even with the sudden change of weather or when some of her playmates catch colds. Compared with other toddlers her age, her pediatrician said Sofia displays advanced motor and social skills. Her family calls her a happy and healthy Reliv baby! ~ Sofia Rianne Uy, Cebu

Before Reliv, Donnabel and Jig's youngest child, Julia, suffered from a number of health issues. She had seizure episodes, insomnia, constipation, and skin rashes. Just like any loving parents, they wanted to help their daughter overcome these challenges to let her reach her full potential. They are also thankful they found Reliv! They immediately gave her Reliv Now for Kids and were surprised to see a lot of improvements in her health. They noticed that Julia's appetite has improved and she has gained weight. Her constipation was also gradually addressed. Now she enjoys quality sleep and improved energy. She's always in a jovial mood and shows eagerness to communicate by babbling. She has also started walking with the support of her therapist. Because of this, the entire family is now taking Reliv products! ~ Julia Cunanan, Malabon City

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